A step to one side ( as in boxing or dancing). 一步跳到另一边(例如拳击或跳舞)。
If you want to be a hit, you are going to step up your current knowledge so that you can take your dancing to a new level. 如果你想成为众人瞩目的焦点,那你需要提高你目前所学,这样你的舞蹈就能进入一个新的水平。
As the clickety-clack of Irish step dancing and the sound of traditional Irish music fill the air, an audience of thousands breathlessly watches the Riverdance performance. 爱尔兰踢踏舞的“噼里啪嗒”声伴随着传统爱尔兰音乐响彻全场,台下数千名观众屏息观赏着《大河之舞》的演出。